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Please take your time and calmly fill out the memorial information regarding your GBNF loved one. If you need to compose yourself go ahead, pause a moment. It's OK. We realize that it's very hard for most to endure this task without feeling the loss of their loved one. The pain sometimes is so so unbearable, but be of good cheer my friend. GOD got this.
Note: The information in this section is optional
They hear JUST like you can hear... The flesh is buried, but your loved one's SPIRIT can NEVER die... BELIEVE THAT, neither can GOD die...
Be sure your data is complete and accurate; proper spelling of loved one's name, date of birth, and date of death is accurate. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. As part of our policy and conditions, GBNF TV and its affiliates and associates hold no liability of errors, misspellings, or false misleading information provided by members or account customers, contents will be blocked once we are notified.Fraudulent information will subject your account to be closed without further notice. It is unlawful to knowingly submit and or post false or misleading/slanderous information for public view. Such action constitutes a third degree felony in the state of Florida, punishable by up to $10,000 fine or five years in prison if convicted or both.By typing your name on the below line, you accept and acknowledge all the policies and conditions of TV ME LLC aka GBNF TV. You further attest that all the information you inputted and/or uploaded on this and other GBNF applications for airing are true and accurate and that you are 18 years or older.
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